Sweet Cecily
a Modern Country Gift Shop
in the Heart of Middlebury, Vermont

About Us

If you are lucky enough to be in Middlebury and visit Sweet Cecily, then you are lucky indeed! Middlebury is a picturesque college town (beautiful Middlebury College) with a waterfall right on Main Street, and is a lovely town to spend some time in.
Sweet Cecily, which opened in 1987, is a curated collection of all things wonderful, surprising treasures to give as gifts or to own and a back porch where you can step back in time and watch the river go by. The store was an ice cream parlor - Calvi's - for decades, and many a young couple stole their first kiss on this porch!
Sweet Cecily's offerings are compiled by creative owner Nancie Dunn. This website will feature a changing array of top sellers at the store that are usually available right away. Please feel free to email us at sweetcecilystore@gmail.com or give us a call at 802-388-3353 for service - whichever your preference, we can fill an order and ship almost anything, almost anywhere for you!
Whether in-store or online, we specialize in friendly service, and helping you to select the perfect gift.

Featured Products
Our product lines are unique and ever-changing. Feel free to contact us with any questions to to check availability: sweetcecilystore@gmail.com or 802-388-3353.

Contact Sweet Cecily
Open Monday - Saturday, 10am - 5pm
Sundays 11am - 4 or 4:30pm
42 Main Street, Middlebury, Vermont 05753
Phone: 802-388-3353
Email: sweetcecilystore@gmail.com